South African Carp Fishing Tips - Dips, Bait And Feed
There is a lot of debate between specimen carp anglers and conventional carp anglers about what baits, dips and feed works the best to get you the biggest fish or the biggest bag of carp, either mirror or common... So I will share my experiences with you on what has worked for me recently... At the time of writing this article I recently returned from a Carp fishing trip where we managed to get about 65 decent Carp. This was all done by asking around and gaining information on what people said were the best baits to use. We managed to catch a few Yellowfish on these baits as well so as recreational anglers we managed to catch 3 species of fish in very quick time and in good numbers. If you are struggling to catch big Common or Mirror Carp or if you are struggling to catch any carp at all I recommend the following to be tried! Also read more about the best Summer carp baits here...
Banana, almond, peach, honey: Don't forget to dip your feed and your baits for the best results!
Plain superfeed or in the Vaaldam flavour, Hemp seed. Supercast, Wondermix, Stevenson and Carp Hunter are the best brands on the market.
Read more here about how to make your own carp feed/ground bait... Sliding Rietvlei Trace
Koo Sweet Corn, Koo whole mealie kernels, earthworms, plain brown bread, pink sweets floaties, bluegum floaties, caramel boilies.
I really hope this helps you to get that fish of a
lifetime! See more pictures of the
Common Carp &
Mirror Carp