Fishing At The Bushman's River Mouth & Estuary- Eastern Cape
The Bushman's River Mouth is a
great place for a variety of species. In the summer months one can
expect to find many non-eds around such as
Sandshark, Diamond Ray,
Blue Ray,
Ragged Tooth Shark,
Spotted Gully Shark and even
Tiger Shark which have been caught
fairly regularly in December/January. There are some opportunities for
and fly
fishing in the mouth as well as
Light Tackle Surf Fishing where species such as
and Kob can be
caught. There have even been instances of anglers catching fish such as
Dageraad and Santer in the mouth which is very unusual.
The Bushman's River and Estuary
is a pristine system with many spots to choose from. All sorts of fish
can be caught in this river system, virtually any estuary fish you can
think of can be caught. There are lots of opportunities to catch Garrick
on lure, big Kob, big Grunter and the beautiful
There are lots of holes in the river, big drop offs, prawn banks, rocky
ledges and submerged structures where the fish hold. There are a number
of spots in the river but the better spots are Leerie Bend,
Bay, Bushmans Bridge, Sandbar Floating Restaurant, the powerlines
and many spots further up river.