Fish River Point – Eastern Cape’s Home Of Big Sharks!
This is a great venue for big Sharks and other non edible
fish and is
not fished as much as it should be with the potential it offers. This
spot is made for shark anglers, as it is a deep water point and because
of its proximity to the Fish River Mouth, often has water with a lot of
colour to it, that brings large fish in closer. If you ever wanted to
slide a bait out for a big shark, this is the place and your
How to get there?
Fish River Point is about 10kms from Port Alfred on the East London
There is a dirt road on the Port Alfred side of the Fish River bridge,
its on your right if you are coming from Port Alfred and on your left if
you are coming from Kleinemonde (Or East London). Take this dirt road
and keep right until you reach an area with a few houses at the end of
the road. Park your car and take the path onto the beach. You will then
walk over a small dune, see a beautiful bay and Fish River Point is on
your right.
Heavy tackle and sliding tackle is what is needed for this venue. Throw baits can be successful as well but sliding is a first choice as big baits work the best here and often one needs to get out a big bait to 120 meters or so, unless there is colour in the water.
Best Baits At Fish River Point?
- Whole Yellowtail Slide
Whole Octopus/Chokka Slide
Yellowtail Head
Fish River Point Fish Species
There are lots of edibles around such as Bronze Bream, Garrick, Kob, Stumpnose and Musselcracker but the Non Edibles here to look out for are:
- Ragged Tooth Shark
Blackfin Shark
Zambezi Shark
Grey Shark
Bronze Whaler
Diamond Ray
Eagle Ray
And other smaller species like:
- Lesser Sandshark
Brown Shyshark
If you are lucky, a small Hammerhead
The best time to fish this area is early morning and late afternoon. Night time is good here as well but make sure you are not alone in case there is a safety issue. October – March is the best time to fish this picturesque fishing spot!