South African Freshwater Fish Information And Interesting Facts
Interesting Freshwater Fish Information
Angling is the most popular sport in South Africa in terms of
participation... South Africa is home to many
freshwater fish species, most of
them are endemic to the lakes, rivers, dams and weirs we have in South Africa
but a lot of the fish are invasive (They were introduced). This has had an
impact in some cases on the populations of the smaller endemic fish species,
where Bass and Trout have fed on them prolifically... However these species have
made angling the most popular sport in South Africa and one of the largest
industries in our country too. Listed below are some very interesting facts on
freshwater fish that occur in South Africa:
1859 was the year when Common Carp were introduced into South Africa (Although reports say some were introduced in the 1700's)...
1890 was when the Brown Trout was first successfully introduced...
1897 - the Rainbow Trout was successfully introduced...
1928 was when the first Largemouth Bass was let loose in our country...
1937 - Smallmouth Bass was introduced...
Aquaculture is one of the fastest growing industries in South Africa!
There have been at least 20 alien fish species introduced into our waters...
There are about 220 freshwater fish species in South Africa of which around 120 of them are regarded as common or as angling species...
South Africa is a home to 33 endangered fish species
The first trout was successfully bread in South Africa in 1893...
The South African record for a Blue Kurper (Mozambique Tilapia) is close to 3.5 kilograms...
Loskop Dam is the best place to catch large Blue Kurper in South Africa...
The Mudfish species that occurs in Loskop Dam is endemic to that dam... It is a subspecies...
The Common Carp is regarded as the premium angling fish in South Africa...
The Sharptooth Catfish (Barbel) has the ability to bury itself in the waters bottom when a decrease in water or drought is occurring. They will re-emerge at the first sign of water...
South African freshwater anglers target fish in many ways such as artlure, 'bassing', fly fishing, carp methods and many more...
The Barbel can also move over land when damp conditions are present...
There are 6 different species of Yellowfish that occur in South Africa