South African Sharpnose Bronze Whaler Shark Photo's And Pictures

The Bronze Whaler Shark is a saltwater fish that is on many anglers "to catch list". The Bronze Whaler or Bronzie (Bronzy) as it is sometimes called, is one of the most sought after Shark species to land, it provides a strong fight and even the smaller specimens give a good account of themselves... The Sharpnose Bronze Whaler Shark can attain weights of close to 300 kilograms and is also called the Copper Shark and the Narrow Tooth Shark. The average size catch of the Bronze Whaler Shark is between 25 kilograms and 80 kilograms... Please see photographs of the beautiful Bronze Whaler Shark below...

Read more about South Africa's Bronze Whaler Shark here...

Sharpnose Bronze Whaler Shark Small Sharpnose Bronze Whaler Shark
Nice size Bronze Whaler Shark (Bronzie)