All The Sea & Saltwater Fish Species That Occur In South Africa, Offshore, Estuary & Inshore Species
A List Of South African Salt Water Sea Fishes
Africa boasts more than 2,200 sea fish species, many endemic fish and many
exotic fish. Listed below are the most common fish species you are
likely to encounter when angling in estuaries, rivers, blind rivers,
from the shore and rocks as well as offshore and in the deeper water. We
as South African anglers and fishermen are very lucky to have the kind
of saltwater resources, we do, so I am pleading with you to practice
catch and release, follow
bag and size limits
and only keep the fish you really need. Our fish stocks are running out
very fast and the more we conserve the more likely our sea fishes will
start becoming more common again.
Below is the full list of all of South Africa's angling fishes plus fish types and species, and other exotic fish not often encountered. Click the link and you will find information on the fish you want, you will also see great photographs. The list below is in no particular order. See Freshwater Species List... See pictures of saltwater fish here...
South African Saltwater
Fish Species List
Spotted Halfbeak |
Crimson Squirrelfish |
Crown Squirrelfish |
Sailfish |
Black Marlin |
Indo-Pacific Blue Marlin |
Striped Marlin |
Barred Flagtail |
Grey Chub |
Natal Wrasse |
Saddleback Hogfish |
Diana's Hogfish |
Lined Hogfish |
Goldsaddle Hogfish |
Bluestreak Cleaner Wrasse |
Greater Amberjack |
Goldbar Wrasse |
Rainbow Wrasse |
Sixbar Wrasse |
Ladder Wrasse |
Bird Wrasse |
Sling Jaw Wrasse |
Toothed Soapy |
Soapy |
Slender Deep-Sea Soapy |
Kosi Rockskipper |
Grey Barenose |
Yellowfin Emperor |
Longnose Emperor |
Blue Emperor |
Tripletail |
Streaker |
River Snapper |
Twinspot Snapper |
Spotsnapper |
Humpback Snapper |
Bluebanded Snapper |
Bigeye Snapper |
Speckled Snapper |
One-Spot Snapper |
Bloodsnapper |
Emperor Snapper |
Rosy Jobfish |
Oxeye Tarpon |
Moonfish |
Hake |
Cape Moony |
Southern Mullet |
Striped Mullet |
Flathead Mullet |
Longarm Mullet |
Indian Goatfish |
Banddot Goatfish |
Backsaddle Goatfish |
Yellowbanded Goatfish |
Pike Conger |
Cape Conger Eel |
Honeycomb Moray Eel |
Yellowedged Moray Eel |
Slender Giant Moray Eel |
African Longfin Eel |
Silverflash Spinecheek |
Kingklip |
Cape Knifejaw |
Natal Knifejaw |
Longhorn Cowfish |
Dusky Sweeper |
Bartail Flathead |
Striped Barbel |
Eel Barbel |
Striped Threadfin |
Emperor Angelfish |
Semicircle Angelfish |
Old Woman |
Fourbar Damsel |
Spot Damsel |
Sergeant Major |
Clownfish |
Shad Elf |
Cobia |
Kob (Daga, Kabeljou) |
King Kob |
Cape Salmon |
Longfin Kob |
Mini Kob |
Snapper Kob |
Baardman |
Saury |
Wahoo |
Frigate Tuna |
Eastern Little Tuna |
Oceanic Bonito (Skipjack) |
Indian Mackerel |
Striped Bonito |
Chub Mackerel |
Couta |
Queen Mackerel |
Longfin tuna |
Yellowfin Tuna |
Bigeye Tuna |
Jacopever |
Devil Firefish |
Bigscale Scorpionfish |
False Jacopever |
Stonefish |
Stonebream |
Sea Goldfish |
Peacock Rockcod |
Coral Rockcod |
Tiger Fin Rockcod |
Tomato Rockcod |
White Edged Rockcod |
Spotted Rockcod |
Brownspotted Rockcod |
Redbarred Rockcod |
Yellowtail Rockcod |
Yellowbelly Rockcod |
Brindle Bass |
Marbled Coral Grouper |
Malabar Rockcod |
Honeycomb Rockcod |
Halfmoon Rockcod |
Potato Bass |
Swallowtail Rockcod |
Koester Rockod |
Whitespotted Rabbitfish |
Silver Sillago |
East Coast Sole |
Blackhand Sole |
River Bream |
Soldierbream |
King Soldierbream |
Carpenter |
Fransmaddam |
Santer |
Englishman |
Dageraad |
Red Stumpnose |
Roman |
False Englishman |
Slinger |
White Karanteen |
Black Musselcracker |
Zebra Fish |
Blacktail (Dassie) |
John Brown |
West Coast Steenbras |
White Steenbras |
Sand Steenbras |
Blue Hottentot |
Hottentot |
Bronze Bream |
Natal Sandbream |
Red Steenbras |
German |
Blueskin |
Scotsman |
Seventyfour |
Dane |
Panga |
Cape Stumpnose |
White Stumpnose |
Natal Stumpnose |
Bigeye Stumpnose |
Largescale Lizardfish |
Thornfish |
Blackback |
Cape Gurnard |
Target John Dory |
Cape Dory |
Some of this information was obtained for this table is from South African Fish & Fishing...